Stress Relief: Express, Relax, and Recharge Together!

Fill in the form to join our 10 sessions Group Body Expression Workshop in Dubai

  • Schedule: Every Monday and Wednesday
  • Duration of the session: 1 hour
  • Fees: 130aed/session
  • Location: Talking Brains Center (TBC), Dubai Silicon Oasis, Apricot Tower
  • Number of participants:

Sessions starting in January 2024 - Trial Session: 09 January 2024 at 8 PM


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What is Body Expression and how can it help you relieve stress and relax?

Body expression is a therapeutic approach that involves using the body and its movements as a means of self-expression, self-discovery, and emotional release. It recognizes the strong connection between the body and the mind, acknowledging that our physical experiences, sensations, and movements can be reflective of our emotional and psychological states.

A psychomotor therapist is a professional who specializes in using various techniques and exercises to help individuals release stress and relax by working with their body and its movements. Here are some of the ways they may incorporate art, breathing techniques, and motor exercises into their practice:

1. Art Therapy: Psychomotor therapists may use art as a medium for self-expression. Clients may engage in activities such as drawing, painting, sculpture, or other creative processes. Art can help individuals explore their emotions, thoughts, and experiences in a non-verbal way, making it easier to express and understand complex feelings.

2. Breathing Techniques: Controlled and mindful breathing is a fundamental component of relaxation and stress reduction. Psychomotor therapists may teach clients various breathing techniques, such as deep abdominal breathing or diaphragmatic breathing, to help them manage stress and anxiety. These techniques can promote relaxation and help regulate the autonomic nervous system.

3. Motor Exercises: Psychomotor therapists use a range of physical exercises to help patients release tension, improve body awareness, and reduce stress. These exercises can include movement therapy, dance, and more.

4. Body Awareness: Psychomotor therapy emphasizes developing greater body awareness. Patients are encouraged to pay attention to bodily sensations, tensions, and movements, which can provide insights into their emotional state. Through this awareness, individuals can learn to recognize and manage stress and tension in their bodies.

5. Relaxation Techniques: Psychomotor therapists may teach relaxation techniques such as guided imagery, meditation, or progressive muscle relaxation.

Overall, psychomotor therapy is a holistic approach that recognizes the interconnectedness of the mind and body. By using art, breathing techniques, and motor exercises, psychomotor therapists aim to help patients reduce stress, increase relaxation, improve emotional well-being, and gain a better understanding of themselves through their bodily experiences and expressions. It can be particularly beneficial for individuals who may find it challenging to express their emotions verbally or prefer more experiential forms of therapy.


Join our session and start your stress-relieving journey.