Children Psychomotor and Occupational Therapy

Set your child on a path to optimal development through Children Psychomotor Therapy and Occupational Therapy at Talking Brains Center (TBC) in Dubai. Our adept therapists utilize personalized strategies and advanced techniques to tackle developmental challenges. Emphasizing strengths and providing empathetic guidance, TBC is dedicated to empowering each child to embrace their fullest potential.

More About Children Occupational Therapy

Child Therapy

What Are the Causes of My Child’s Difficulty Swallowing Food?

Feeding and swallowing are complex processes involving coordination and muscle movement. While it’s normal for children to struggle with eating and drinking initially, persistent difficulties may indicate a feeding disorder. Early identification and intervention are crucial to support children’s nutritional and overall well-being. Feeding and Swallowing Basics Just like adults,

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Child Therapy

Improving Children’s Mental Health with Shared Book Reading

In recent years, novel therapy treatments have arisen to help children’s mental and emotional well-being. Sharing a book in “Shared Book Reading” and practicing “Mindfulness” are two very successful methods. These approaches engage children while simultaneously creating a safe and supportive atmosphere for therapeutic growth. Shared Book Reading Shared book

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Child Therapy

How to Manage Coordination Difficulties Caused by Dyspraxia

What is Dyspraxia?  Dyspraxia, also known as developmental coordination disorder (DCD), is a neurodevelopmental condition that primarily affects motor planning, coordination and motor skills that include fine and gross motor skills.  It typically becomes evident around 5 years and it occurs at 5 to 6 percent of the pediatric population and approximately 10 percent of the overall

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