Speech Therapy: Enhancing Communication and Swallowing Abilities in Parkinson's

Individuals with Parkinson’s disease often face difficulties related to speech and swallowing.

Speech therapists specializing in Parkinson’s can provide valuable assistance by:

  1. Recommending communication technologies tailored to daily activities.

  2. Addressing various speech, language, and communication issues.

  3. Evaluating swallowing function and suggesting necessary adjustments.

Speech language pathologists in Dubai play a crucial role in treating Parkinson’s-related conditions, such as dysphagia (feeding/swallowing), saliva control, and cognitive impairments at all stages of the disease.



To overcome speech challenges, speech therapists advise Parkinson’s patients to:

  1. Choose environments with reduced noise, minimizing the need to “talk over” background sounds like television or radio.

  2. Speak loudly and clearly.

  3. Ensure that the listener can see their face, enhancing face-to-face communication by well-lit surroundings.

  4. Utilize short phrases, limiting each breath to one or two words or syllables.

  5. Maintain a comfortable posture and position during prolonged and stressful conversations for added support.

  6. Consult the speech therapist before engaging in exercises aimed at strengthening weakening muscles, as some exercises may be counterproductive.

  7. Schedule periods of vocal rest before planned conversations or phone calls, as fatigue significantly impacts speaking ability.


For addressing swallowing challenges, speech therapists suggest the following strategies to Parkinson’s patients:

  1. Recommending techniques and postures to facilitate efficient and safe swallowing.

  2. Prescribing exercises that strengthen the muscles involved in swallowing, making the process more timely, complete, and efficient.

  3. Proposing strategies to reduce the risks of choking and aspiration.

  4. Providing guidance on the consistency and texture of foods that are easier to swallow.

  5. Identifying specific areas of difficulty with saliva control, such as poor posture, lip seal, tongue, or swallowing problems. Therapists may suggest exercises and devices to improve lip seal or remind patients to swallow regularly.


Cognitive Therapy for Parkinson’s Disease

Speech language pathologists trained in cognitive therapy can help address communication breakdowns resulting from Parkinson’s disease. The treatment aims to identify strengths and strategies that enhance quality of life. Some examples include:

  1. Memory retraining strategies.

  2. Self-cueing strategies to improve the speed and accuracy of word retrieval.

  3. Organization strategies.

By working with speech language therapists, individuals with Parkinson’s can regain confidence in their communication abilities and improve their overall quality of life.

At TBC, our Lebanese Therapists in Dubai provide therapy sessions in Arabic, French, and English to help clients overcome mental health challenges such as anxiety, depression, and trauma, as well as occupational therapy, psychomotor and speech therapy.